*   Angel  Hill  Estate   *

Copper Scroll Interpretation  *

Column 1
    1.   In the ruin that is in the Valley of Achor, under
    2.   the steps, with the entrance at the east a distance of forty
    3.   cubits: a strongbox of silver and its vessel -
    4.   seventeen talents by weight. KEN
    5.   In the sepulcher,in the third course of stones:
    6.   one hundred ingots of gold. In the big cistern that is in the courtyard
    7.   of the peristyle, at its bottom concealed by a sealing ring,
    8.   across from the upper opening: nine hundred talents of silver coins.
    9.   In the mound of Kohlit: votive vessels - all of them flasks - and high-priestly garmenture.
    10.  All the votive offerings and what becomes from the seventh treasury are
    11.  impure second tithe. The cache's opening is at the edge of the aqueduct, six
    12.  cubits to the north of the immersion pool. CHAG
    13.  In the plastered Reservoir of Manos, at the descent to the left,
    14.  three cubits up from the bottom: silver coins
    15.  totaling forty talents.

Column 2
    1.   In the salt pit that is under the steps:
    2.   forty-one talents of silver coins. HN
    3.   In the cave of the old Washer's Chamber, on the
    4.   third terrace: sixty-five ingots of gold. THE
    5.   In the burial chamber: vessels and seventy talents of silver coins.
    6.   In a recess in the burial chamber: vessels and seventy talents of silver coins.
    7.   In the cistern opposite the eastern gate,
    8.   at a distance of nineteen cubits: in it are vessels.
    9.   And in the conduit of the cistern: ten talents of silver coins. DI
    10.  In the cistern that is under the wall on the east,
    11.  at the crag of the bedrock: six jars of silver coins.
    12.  The cistern's entrance is under the big threshold.
    13.  In the pool that is on the east of Kohlit, in the
    14.  northern corner, dig down four cubits:
    15.  twenty-two talents of silver coins.

Column 3
    1.   In the courtyard ... under the southern
    2.   corner, dig down nine cubits: votive vessels of silver and gold,
    3.   sprinkling basins, cups, bowls,
    4.   and pitchers, numbering six hundred and nine.
    5.   Under the other corner - the eastern one -
    6.   dig down sixteen cubits: forty
    7.   talents of silver coins. TR
    8.   In the dry well that is in Milham, on its north:
    9.   votive vessels, priestly clothes. Its entrance
    10.  is under the western corner.
    11.  In the grave that is in Milham, on the
    12.  northeast, three cubits under
    13.  the corpse: thirteen talents of silver coins. SK

Column 4
    1.   In the big cistern that is in Kohlit, at a pillar
    2.   on its north: fourteen ... talents of silver coins. SK
    3.   In the aqueduct that comes from ... at a distance of
    4.   four cubits as you enter, silver coins totaling fifty-five.
    5.   Between the two boulders on the Vale of Achor,
    6.   right at the midpoint between them, dig down three
    7.   cubits: two cauldrons full of silver coins.
    8.   In the red dry well on the edge of the Wadi Atsla:
    9.   silver coins totaling two hundred talents.
    10.  In the dry well on the northeast of Kohlit:
    11.  silver coins totaling seventy talents.
    12.  In the cairn of the Secacah Valley, dig down one
    13.  cubit: twelve talents of silver coins.

Column 5
    1.   At the head of the aqueduct of the
    2.   Secacah Valley, on the north, under the
    3.   big stone, dig down
    4.   three cubits: seven talents of silver coins.
    5.   In the fissure that is in the Secacah, to the east of
    6.   the Pool of Solomon: vessels of
    7.   votive offerings, along with their inventory list.
    8.   Above Solomon's Canal,
    9.   sixty cubits toward the large cairn,
    10.  dig down
    11.  three cubits: twenty-three talents of silver coins.
    12.  In the grave that is in the Wadi Kepah
    13.  at the point of entry as you go from Jericho to Secacah,
    14.  dig down seven cubits: thirty-two talents of silver coins.

Column 6
    1.   In the cave of the pillar that has two
    2.   openings and faces east, at the northern opening, dig down
    3.   three cubits : there, an urn
    4.   in which is one scroll; under it,
    5.   forty-two talents of silver coins.
    6.   In the cave at the corner
    7.   of the large cairn, the one that
    8.   faces east, dig down at the opening
    9.   nine cubits: twenty-one talents of silver coins.
    10.  In the Queen's Mausoleum, on the
    11.  western side, dig down twelve
    12.  cubits: twenty-seven talents of silver coins.
    13.  At the cairn by the ford of the

Column 7
    1.   High Priest, dig down
    2.   nine cubits: twenty-two ... talents of silver coins.
    3.   In the aqueduct of the ...
    4.   the ... northern reservoir ...
    5.   having four sides,
    6.   measure out from its rim twenty-four cubits:
    7.   four hundred talents of silver coins.
    8.   In the cave that is next to the cold-chamber belonging to
    9.   the family of Hakkoz, dig down six cubits:
    10.  six jars of silver coins.
    11.  At Dok, under the eastern corner of
    12.  the guardhouse, dig down seven cubits:
    13.  twenty-two talents of silver coins.
    14.  At the mouth of the wellspring of Kobizah,
    15.  dig down three cubits to the row of stones:
    16.  eighty talents of silver coins; two talents of gold coins.

Column 8
    1.   In the aqueduct that is on the road east of the
    2.   storehouse:
    3.   tovise vessels and ... books.
    4.   In the outer gorge, at the stone in the
    5.   middle of the sheepfold: dig down seventeen
    6.   cubits beneath it:
    7.   seventeen talents of silver and gold coins.
    8.   In the cairn at the mouth of the gorge of the Wadi Qidron,
    9.   dig down three cubits: seven talents of silver coins.
    10.  In the fallow field of the Valley of Shaveh that faces
    11.  southwest, in the burial chamber
    12.  facing north, dig down
    13.  twenty-four cubits: sixty-six talents of silver coins.
    14.  In the courtyard of the Valley of Shaveh, at the burial chamber that is in it, dig down
    15.  eleven cubits:
    16.  seven talents of silver coins.

Column 9
    1.   At the dovecote that is at the edge of the Wadi Nataf, measure from the dovecote's edge
    2.   thirteen cubits and dig down seven cubits: seven
    3.   talents of silver coins and four stater coins.
    4.   In the second estate, at the burial chamber that faces
    5.   east, dig down eight
    6.   and one half cubits: twenty-three and one half talents of silver coins.
    7.   At the Vaults of Beth Horon, at the burial chamber facing
    8.   west, in the recess, dig down sixteen cubits:
    9.   twenty-two talents of silver coins,
    10.  At the Pass: silver coins totaling one mina, and consecrated Templeoffering.
    11.  At the wellspring near the edge of the aqueduct,
    12.  on the east over against the wellspring, dig down seven
    13.  cubits: nine talents of silver coins.
    14.  At the dry well north of the mouth of Beth
    15.  Tamar's gorge, at the outlet of the Pele Ravine:
    16.  all that is in it is consecrated Temple offering.
    17.  At the dovecote that is in the Fortress of Nobah, at the border

Column 10
    1.  on the south, in the second roof-chamber - whose entrance descends
    2.  from above -: nine talents of silver coins.
    3.  In the lime-plastered cistern that had conduits drawing water from the Great
    4.  Wadi, at the cistern's bottom: eleven talents of silver coins,
    5.  At the reservoir of Beth Hakerem, on the left
    6.  as you enter, dig down ten cubits: silver coins totaling
    7.  sixty-two talents.
    8.  At the tank of the Zered Gorge, at the western burial chamber - the one with
    9.  a black stone for an opening - dig down two cubits:
    10.  the hundred talents of silver coins,
    11.  gold coins, and twenty vessels containing Temple penalty fees.
    12.  Under Absalom's Monument, on the western
    13.  side, dig down twelve cubits:
    14.  eighty talents of silver coins.
    15.  At the tank of the water reserve of Rachel, under
    16.  the trough: seventeen talents of silver coins
    17.  In the Upper Pool,

Column 11
    1.  In its four corners: votive vessels, and their inventory list is next to them.
    2.  Under the southern corner of the Stoa,
    3.  at Zadok's grave, under the column of the small portico:
    4.  ten votive vessels, and their inventory list is next to them.
    5.  At the Throne - the peak of the cliff facing west -
    6.  opposite Zadok's Garden, under the great
    7.  closing-stone that is at the edge: gold coins and consecrated offering,
    8.  At the grave that is under the Knife: forty-one talents of silver coins.
    9.  At the grave of the common people - it is ritually pure -
    10.  in it: fourteen votive vessels,
    11.  and their inventory list is next to them.
    12.  At the entryway to the terrace of the western mausoleum,
    13.  at the brook along the ... : vessels totaling nine hundred;

Column 12
    1.  five talents of gold coins; sixty talents of silver coins. Its entrance is on the west.
    2.  Under the black stone: oil vessels. Under the threshold
    3.  of the crypt: forty-two talents of silver coins.
    4.  On Mount Gerizim, under the step of the upper ditch:
    5.  one chest and all its vessels, and silver coins totaling sixty-one talents.
    6.   At the mouth of the fountain of Beth Shem: silver and gold
    7.   votive vessels, and silver coins. The sum total: six hundred talents.
    8.   In the big pipe of the cistern, at the point where it joins the cistern:
    9.   a sum total, by weight, of seventy-one talents and twenty minas.
    10.  In the dry well that is at the north of Kohlit, with an opening on the north
    11.  and graves by its mouth: a copy of this inventory list,
    12.  with explanations and measurements and full detail for each
    13.  and every hidden item.


